Infant Education
The Challenge
Infant education belongs to a non-compulsory range of schooling that ranges from 0 to 6 years old, of voluntary nature.
In this stage, we aim to achieve that the kid gets to know himself, how he behaves in front of others, how can he be acquiring his personality, habits, his physical and psychomotor development, language…
But, it is also perfect time for them to acquire normality in contact with other children.
In addition, this period should help the families with their daily activities.
We propose
We believe that everything we do in education counts. It is for this reason that we give great importance to the initial stage of education. For it is at this time that the global development of the child takes place. We propose:
Flexible age grouping.
Incorporación de la Atención Temprana y crianza especializada en el día a día del Centro.
The incorporation of early intervention and specialized upbringing programs in the everyday life of the educational centre.
Flexible age grouping
Early Intervention
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